Visiting to see the new born baby and mommy is an exciting job ! And each one of us are in awe while looking at the tiny soul who has just entered the world. The excitement of joining the family in their happiness, the joy of the new member entering their life and the sight of little hands and legs moving is surely a joy to the soul. Its such fun to purchase gifts, go n check out the baby with it’s tiny tactics that melt your  heart.
Having said that, seeing a baby is a challenging task too ! Because a lot goes behind the scenes that we aren’t aware of ! Either we are not a parent or we have been a parent long ago and have probably forgotten our times ð
The new parents are extremely scared to handle and raise this tiny tot. While they are happy for this new blessing, they are also mesmerized with the major change in their routine. Everything revolves around the baby now , even the sleeping and eating ! They are tired of sleepless nights and afraid of what may come next and how will they handle it with the baby.
I thought I should jot down a list to be taken care of when visiting a baby. Now that I’m a mother, I understand it’s importance like never before.

Last but not the least, please call the parent and ask or inform about visiting them. The mom will then nurse, clean n change her baby, so that your meet goes smoothly. It is not decent to disturb the new baby n new mommy.Their routine is already disturbed, landing without informing may disturb it even more.
It is high time that we get in their shoes and be kind. For being kind is not at all harmful. There are surely some set of manners that are unsaid or unwritten and we need to need to be aware of those.
Next time you or your loved ones visit a baby, do keep the above points in mind. It will surely make the new mom happy.
Meet you soon with my next blog, super soon.
Sayonara !
Mumtaz Surani Merchant